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AI-Generated Logos are terrible

I’m seeing AI-Generated logos pop up everywhere, I get the low cost draw, but is the trade off worth it? Here are five reasons why I say AI logos are terrible for your business.

No editing capabilities  – AI logos are not properly formatted files, they’re nearly impossible to edit, or separate pieces and parts. As a designer using bits and pieces of a logo to expand the brand identity, and being able to edit the file for various uses is huge, not being able to do this is downright terrible!

Too complex – AI logos tend to be very complex and detailed, to the untrained eye this may look like candy, but as a professional in this space, I can tell you that less is more when it comes to a logo. Clean lines, minimal color dependency, and fewer details are ideal. AI logos tend to have too many colors, detailed art, and inconsistent line smoothness and thickness which are all terrible!

Type style & fonts – AI logos do not use actual type. AI logos I’ve seen render type as complex line art with many problems such as spacing, sizing, line thickness, and letter inconsistencies. There is no font assigned to these logos to replicate in other aspects either. As an experienced logo designer type is essential when it comes to the logo, but also the expansion of the brand identity, AI does not consider this. So yeah, type and font styles with AI are non-existent and that is just terrible!

Too literal – How many car brand logos are an actual car, I think zero. An experienced logo designer understands that a car company’s logo does not, and probably should not be a car, but AI does not. AI chooses what closely matches the prompts only.  It’s the job of a season logo designer to find a connection with your business and your target audience and develop an appropriate symbol that is memorable. Conceptual work, thought and creativity are all part of the logo design process. Too literal is terrible!

No ownership – As a business owner, it should be important to you that your logo and identity are owned by your company, seems like a good practice to me. AI logos are generated by a computer system, these systems create based on historical data, in other words, based on other logos! Because AI logos are not considered the work of a human creator, the U.S. Copyright Office does not allow copyright protection for AI-generated content. This is very important, if you plan to build a successful business and don’t want to rebrand due to copyright issues, hiring a professional designer is the way to go. Not owning a vital piece of your company is just terrible!
